Friday, July 10, 2015

The Gospel of the King - There are No Rules

I have discovered somethings about my faith in the last 2 years that have begun to shock me.

1) There are NO rules. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is punctuated by Jesus himself saying, John 14:16 - And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. That's the promise of direct and permanent communication with the Spirit of God.  We don't have ANY rules.  We have God.

2) Christians spend more times talking about the rules we don't have, but really want, than about the Gospel or living the Gospel. Jesus warns u
s about following the doctrine of man, the rules we all assume are right, when he says: "Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition?"

3) We tend to spread the rules; telling people what we hate, what we fear, what is wrong with the world, instead of keeping calm, and showing our Love for the Lord.

How can we share that love for the Lord?


As it  turns out, these cards, shown above, are 2.75" x 4.25 inches, and shiny card stock, and were designed to pass out to people who ask about Jesus; who complain about pretty much anything and are Christians, and to explain to people who express interest or ignorance, that one of the benefits is to "Keep Calm."

If you want your Name or Website on the front of the card, the Keep Calm side, then enter it on the order form when you order. Please allow for 14 days after proof approval for delivery.

Pick the number you Wish to Order
Website or Name on Front?

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